Shoppable Team Feature: Say Hi to Nadj!

Today, we’d like to shine a spotlight on one of our key team members, Nadjilla Misola, our expert accounts payable from our Finance Department. Get to know Nadj! We’re lucky to have a team of talented professionals dedicated to helping the B2B eCommerce industry. Get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a part of the Shoppable. More than the numbers, we have people behind the scenes who build up the brand daily. Her expertise and dedication to her work have significantly impacted Shoppable’s success, and we look forward to many more years of working with Nadj!

Q: Can you tell us about yourself and the work that you do?

A: I am Nadjilla Misola, your friendly Accounts Payable. I am the one who processes all the payments for Suppliers and Sellers in the Shoppable Platform. 

Q: When you wake up to clock in at work, what do you look forward to the most? Honest answers only.

A: A smooth and happy work day.

Q: What does your typical workday look like?

A: Hmm, sometimes it’s stressful and the workload is quite full, but most of the time, it’s happy because of my co-workers and new experiences.

Q: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned since you started working here?

A: Well, the industry of the company, because it’s new to me, and the process of everything in the organization.

Q: If you could switch jobs with anyone in the company for a day, who would it be and why?

A: I want to try the job of Glyza Asido. She is such an all-around girl, and it’s so nice if you can do and know every detail of the company. 

Q: How does your work contribute to the success of the company?

A: Accounting is the heart of the business; if the business has a weak heart, it will have a hard time living. So, we control and budget the funds of the company for the business to survive and continue. We can forecast if it’s time for then company to expand.

Q: What do you think sets us apart from other companies in our industry?
A: We have a great team and good leadership and are happy with what we are doing.

Q: How do you see yourself evolving with the company in the next few years, and how can we maintain a positive and productive culture during that time?

A: In the next few years, for sure, I learned a lot in Shoppable and continuously learning, I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned to my colleagues and newcomers that may need it.

Q: How do you balance your personal life with your work responsibilities?

A: I set boundaries with my work and personal life.

Q: Do you have any pieces of advice for people who want to join the Shoppable Team?

A: Be a team player. Always look at the bright side and have the patience to learn. l

Q. What do you think is your biggest achievement so far, working at Shoppable?

A. As of now, I can’t tell yet but I am sure that as time goes by, Shoppable will help me grow in my career, especially since the company Business Industry is new to me, which I can improve my skills and knowledge in my working field.

Nadj continues to write her story with determination and passion for her work, she holds on to the future with an optimistic outlook. She balances work with her other passions besides the numbers! She loves traveling, hiking and camping and all things involving the outdoors, what can we say, this girl isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Having Nadj as part of the team contributes positive energy to our Finance department as a whole, that’s something every organization needs. 😉

Want to be part of the team that makes work fun? Join Shoppable Business today because we’re expanding as we speak! Send your application to or email [email protected] to begin!

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