How to sign up as a Seller?

There are 3 easy steps to sign up and register in Shoppable Philippines and start selling!

  1. Sign up 
  2. Upload your documents for accreditation
  3. Know Your Business video call meeting


The following steps are your guide in Seller registration.

  • Go to this link:  Shoppable Business
  • Click the dropdown menu button in the login page and hit “Register Now” and you are required to fill-up the information needed. Don’t forget to check the “I also want to become a Seller” and terms and conditions.

how to sign up as a seller

  • Once done, click the “Create Account” button.
  • You will be redirected to this page.
how to sign up as a seller

Note: You need to verify first the email that you have received from Shoppable Business before clicking the “Continue to Login” button.

  • You will receive this email and be required to verify for the activation of your account.
how to sign up as a seller
  • You can now click the “Continue to Login” button so you can access your Seller Account.
how to sign up as a seller
how to sign up as a seller

“You can now login to your account and start updating your profile”

Once logged, you need to update your Seller Account. Go to Profile > Account > Account Info and edit the following information: 

  • Account information
  • Shipping and Billing Address
  • Security Login (this is optional)
how to sign up as a seller
how to sign up as a seller
  • Account information
  • Shipping and Billing Address
  • Security Login


To get accredited as a Shoppable Seller, you need to upload the documents for accreditation.

  • Log in to the Seller Center. You will be redirected to this page:
how to sign up as a seller
  • Click “Unverified” status and select Accreditation.
how to sign up as a seller
  • Update your company information. Just click “Edit” button
    • Company name
    • Company email address
    • Contact number
    • Company Logo
    • Company Address
    • Proof of Credibility
      • BIR 2303, Sales Invoice and Tax number
  • Click “Submit” after Business Docs are uploaded.
how to sign up as a seller
  • Once all the documents are submitted, we will review your uploaded documents.  Your next and last step is the KYB Process. We will send an email instruction to your registered email to  schedule your KYB
  • After the KYB call, we will send an email regarding the status of your application. Once approved, you can now access all the dashboard features and you can now start selling on Shoppable!