One of the essential practices for shops, especially those that operate online, is having a systematic shipping scheme. One way or another, each of us has experienced being a buyer. We’ve been in a place where a lot of people are. We know how difficult the waiting game is, and sometimes when shipments get delayed, it almost always gets on our nerves. In the position of a seller, numerous factors could affect how shipments get delayed. Some factors include those that involve our third-party courier service providers, while some factors could be external, such as the weather or traffic. Nonetheless, we each want the best for our buyers and ourselves. We don’t want to delve into the problematics of how we can arrange a dispute with an angry customer, or how we can send another package because our customer didn’t receive theirs, and so forth.
If you’d like to learn the trade tricks, ensuring that your shipments are on track while receiving excellent customer reviews, read on! In this article, you’ll be given critical information on providing specific shipping services to your customers while your business receives top-notch ratings in-store.
Table of Contents
What is a Courier?
How to Pick a Good Courier Partner?
The Long-Established Courier Companies
The Simple and Unassuming Courier Company
The Startup Courier Company that is the Best in Both Worlds
How Can I Make Shipping Faster?
Packaging Technicalities
Waybill Technicalities
Tips for First-Time Sellers
Pro-tip Takeaway

What is a Courier?
A courier is a company who delivers your mail and packages and is primarily in charge of providing the tracking service of orders made by customers. If you’ve come across the opportunity to purchase something online, whether it be food, beverage, clothing, or other things, you might know how the courier system works. One of the primary duties of a courier company is to provide their partner businesses and clients with an experience marked by security, speed, and accurate tracking.
Couriers may use different vehicles; some even have ships and planes. Without the service of these courier companies, shipments of all sorts of orders and materials in small quantities and bulk would be challenging to purchase. We would probably have to pick up these goods from far and vast distances. Luckily, technology has developed a way for us consumers and business owners to operate more efficiently with the help of fast and effective shipping systems.
Working with a courier could be challenging because you have to know whether or not the courier you will be working with can be trusted with the shipment of your products and other goods. In the position of buyers, you’d also have to be cautious about trusting different courier companies because you want to receive your goods in tip-top shape without any damage whatsoever. With all of these in mind, there are a couple of crucial reminders to note, whether you’re a seller or a buyer.
How to Pick a Good Courier Partner?
Deciding whom you should work with in terms of business in line with shipping and selecting courier companies – is a lot like making friends. Some people may be right for you at a time of convenience, but they may leave you alone in the long run. Others may be all glammed and perfect externally but have tea and unwanted practices that wouldn’t be good for anyone, including yourself. When you’ve finally narrowed down your search list in your quest to find a courier for your business, you may be presented with three different types of couriers. One of the best eCommerce platforms you can trust is Shoppable because it offers a marketplace, an encrypted payment transaction, and a brand registry program that ensures each customer that they purchase a quality and original product.
The Long-Established Courier Company
Since we know that the market is concentrated and bombarded with many brands and prominent names in the industry, the courier world has these too. In your search to find the courier company that matches your needs and requirements, you will get to know the “Long-Established Courier Companies” that have been around for decades. Established courier companies have the same number of pros as their cons since they have been around for a while.
- They know the ins and outs of shipping.
- They have an extensive network of contacts locally and internationally.
- Countless numbers of buyers and sellers trust them.
- They offer different modes of shipment transportation due to their company size.
- They have a more significant number of branches compared with small-scale courier companies.
- They are presented with more technical challenges because of their size.
- They handle more company and individual orders, which may challenge close partnerships.
- There may be a challenge in the organization due to the high influx of packages and their logistics.
- Longer shipping times may be experienced because of the large population these established companies serve
- Customer service may be delayed as customers and sellers may have concerns; they would like to have addressed.
The Simple and Unassuming Courier Company
This type of courier company is a newbie in the business. The one striving to be the best version of itself while still testing the waters. While they may not have the same manpower and resources as established courier companies, they still have much to boast about. The characteristics that large-scale courier companies have are those that small courier services can provide. Small courier companies can build closer relationships with their business partners and customers. The size of their company isn’t an overall deficit on their behalf since they accommodate as many partner businesses and clients as possible.
- Customers and business partners can receive customized offers for their different needs.
- Shipments are more closely monitored because there are fewer packages from customers and business partners.
- Customer service may have a more engaging system because small-scale courier companies accommodate fewer clients.
- Small-scale courier companies may provide better-personalized services for big orders and longer partnership deals.
- They can offer specific shipping discounts to local areas as they have not yet expanded internationally.
- Small-scale courier companies may experience technical difficulties and slowed application usage due to their underdeveloped system compared with established courier companies.
- They may cater to fewer areas compared with established companies.
- Orders and packages may build up because of insufficient manpower.
- Shipping costs may be more expensive or frequently fluctuate, as small-scale businesses are more susceptible to inflation and economic deflation.
- Areas of improvement for small-scale courier companies may include logistics handling; small-scale courier companies may still have to improve on building the foundation of their logistics.
The Startup Company that is the Best in Both Worlds
The difference between startup companies and small businesses is that startup companies have secured funding from investors and have laid out a comprehensive outline of their business growth on the scale of 10-20-30 years. Unlike small businesses, startups have investors and partners that have provided them with the support to operate and grow their business in the next ten, twenty, and thirty years. Startup companies may be in any business industry, from eCommerce, coworking, retail, or even courier tracking and shipment.
On the other hand, small businesses may also be in any industry but do not have the same growth perspective and funding as startups. Small businesses are companies that only aim to serve a selected population in the market without increasing manpower, sales, and resources at a massive rate compared with a startup and an established company. For startup courier companies, the difference it makes is how they can operate smoothly without having a depreciation in the number of their resources.
Startup courier companies would have a background in both worlds – the established and unestablished system of operations. While part of their challenges is introducing their brand to their market, there is also an aspect of their existence as a startup that boosts their credibility. Though there may be challenges that a startup company may come across, their network of business partners and resources will aid in ensuring maximum productivity for their business, in this case – courier service and tracking. If you’d like to know more about the pros and cons of a startup courier company, read through the following points.
- Startup courier companies have a level of knowledge about the industry they ventured into, making their clients and business partners fully aware of the security of their operations.
- They can accommodate large and small-scale business partners and clients.
- Their tracking service is just as excellent as established courier companies because of their resources and funding.
- Their team isn’t overpopulated, making client relations more robust and efficient.
- Their operations are growing at a rate that is at par with their resources and manpower, making their quality of service sustainable.
- Startup courier companies have yet to earn their place in the charts as they compete with the market’s leading established courier companies.
- They have yet to gather enough clients and business partners to build their smooth-flowing courier service and tracking.
- Their application for tracking and monitoring may experience technical difficulties due to the areas for improvement they have yet to work on.
- They may be overwhelmed by many orders and packages they would have to manage at their logistics.
- They would have to sustain their image in public as they reach the goals they have set for themselves.
Whichever type of business and however it is structured, there will always be an inevitable list of pros and cons. For courier companies, more specifically, it is essential that their customers are always pleased with their service. It takes years to build a company’s brand image and credibility, but it only takes a few seconds to have it destroyed. Since technology is almost as vast as air, we can inevitably say that this will be a contributing factor in how a courier business may or may not develop well. Social media, as a prime partner of technology, also plays a part in creating a sustainable environment for the growth and improvement of companies.
Suppose you’d like to operate your business in an eCommerce that offers all the features sellers need, such as a marketplace, a chat feature, tools, a wallet, payment channels, and courier services. In that case, you’d love to work with Shoppable. And one of the perks is that it’s free! There’s no subscription fee or other fees of a sort. You can check out their website here. Shoppable is a brand made in the Philippines. It is a startup eCommerce company designed to help Filipino consumers obtain quality goods and entrepreneurs reach their clients more efficiently. Don’t miss this opportunity to join the team; this is your time to make your business shine!
Why Join Shoppable
Earlier, we mentioned the new face in town – Shoppable. And since it’s a startup eCommerce company, we still have to hear who and what Shoppable is. What do they specialize in, and why should we join one of the country’s newest innovative eCommerce startup companies – Shoppable.
- It’s FREE – It’s free to start selling on the Shoppable platform. As long as you’re a legally registered business, you’ll be able to list products for free on Shoppable. You only pay a commission if an item sells on the platform, and you get paid.
- Expand your Customer base – Through Shoppable, you’ll reach thousands of new customers for free. Think of Shoppable as your marketing arm that you only pay when you have a sale.
- Get your eCommerce Store – Increase sales by digitalizing your product catalog and reaching customers worldwide. Print catalogs are dying, costly, and not environment friendly – digital is the future. Sellers can get their eCommerce store on Shoppable Business, which can be given to any client.
- Procurement Technology – Enable your customers to pay you online through Bank Transfers, Credit Cards, Over-the-Counter Payments, Recurring Payments, and more. Easily track and manage orders, payments, and shipping through the Shoppable platform.
- Shipping Technology – Shoppable has integrated directly with multiple shipping couriers, enabling you to provide same-day to next-day delivery to your customers.
- Compliance – Sales invoices and 2307’s required? Don’t worry; Shoppable has got you covered! The platform keeps sellers fully compliant, never worrying about missing documents.
- 3PL & Fulfilment Services – Need additional manpower? Shoppable can provide you with warehousing and fulfillment solutions to expand your brand to different locations enabling you to deliver products faster to your customers.
- Real Sellers, Real Buyers, and Real Products only – We vet and interview sellers that join the platform, so you will be assured that all of the products and transactions are authentic and legitimate.

How Can I Make Shipping Faster?
Shipping technicalities may be made more accessible by taking the proper steps to achieve a fool-proof system. While it primarily depends on which type of courier service you deal with, your part as a seller or buyer can contribute a couple of factors in helping courier companies ensure that your packages will be shipped more efficiently without delay. Efficiency in shipping is not the sole responsibility of couriers alone, as buyers and sellers play a role in making each step run smoothly. Understand how you can make a difference with these critical tips…
- Double-check the products and packaging of your orders to ship out with your selected courier partner.
- Cross-check the details of your buyer’s information with the information you sent out with your courier partner to avoid back-and-forth inconveniences.
- Make sure to inform your buyer of their shipping details to avoid being bombarded with inquiries about tracking and shipping. This step will also serve you the time in navigating where your sent-out packages are at a said time.
- Keep the receipts you receive from your courier partner, as these will serve as your proof of purchase and shipment.
- Organize your files in a folder where you can access your monthly transactions with your different clients for the products you have – though this may be difficult; some eCommerce platforms offer this feature built into their system (which will make it easier for your daily management).
- For buyers, including small businesses that purchase from suppliers, see that you input your contact details and address correctly to avoid any delay.
- Make sure that you receive the transparency reports (receipts) from your eCommerce business partner that you transacted with and from the courier that you have selected to be in charge of handling the delivery of your orders.
- Protect your information and see that you only input it through secure channels (within the platform and directly to the necessary parties).
- Track your packages through the tracking number provided and check where your packages are and if they are headed in the correct direction.
- When in doubt, there’s no harm in contacting the support team of the eCommerce platform you purchased with or the courier company assigned to handle your orders. Feel free to inform them where your address is located in case it is difficult to find – this will also speed up the delivery of your orders.

Packaging Technicalities
When you think about it, it doesn’t seem much – packaging and the plastics that go with purchasing material goods. However, this may also contribute to how your orders may be delivered securely and efficiently. Sellers need to ensure that their customer’s orders are securely packaged without any hint of damage or flaw that would make them more susceptible to being destroyed or damaged in the long journey of shipment. With so many happenings our packages go through, some of the products we purchase don’t turn out how we want to receive them. Some get damaged along the way because of poor packaging and mishandling by couriers.
To avoid experiencing mishandling of our packages from couriers and having our ordered items damaged and delayed in use, let’s see that we securely wrap or box our items through the “egg-drop method.” The Egg-Drop Method is a joint science activity back in grade school or high school that makes us understand how we can protect an egg using limited materials without having it damaged in any way. It is integral for sellers to use this method and other similar methods to protect their sold items and the credibility of their brand. After all, nobody wants angry customers demanding a refund and replacement.
While we’re at it, there are also no-frills when we switch to using environmentally friendly packaging, such as mailers that dissolve in water or those made of cassava and bamboo. We don’t want the air we breathe to become thoroughly polluted and suffocate us, nor do we want a rise in the price of goods and commodities. How our natural resources are preserved and protected affects how we function daily, including how we live our lives and even how we do business. If you think about it, it will leave you puzzled about how much we affect change in the micro-actions that we make, like purchasing while contributing to the economy. Our collective actions every day affect how our future will be. Hence, switching to environmentally friendly packaging, whether a buyer or seller, will make a difference in creating a better future for not just yourself and your business but the rest of humanity, too – think about that impact.
Waybill Technicalities
First off, what is a waybill? This document, or piece of paper, is often attached to the package you send out or to the buyer’s case; this is attached to the package they will receive. This document contains the necessary information about the buyer and the seller. Namely, their complete address (whether residential or commercial), their contact number, and their complete name or company name. Waybills also consist of a QR (quick response) code or a bar code which courier companies use to scan and track the items that go through their system.
A well-printed-out waybill eases the frustration and delay among individuals working at your courier company partners. A poorly printed QR or bar code for your waybill may render your delivery invalid or create troublesome delays and inconveniences for both the seller and the buyer. This is why it is essential to secure an adequately printed waybill with the correct details of your buyer to be sure that there will be no inconvenience to both parties.
Waybill for buyers…
Remember that the waybill contains your name, contact number, and complete address; you wouldn’t want your information lying in the dump or elsewhere. So, before you dispatch the packaging from your list of orders, ensure that you keep your waybill as your delivery receipt. If you decide to dispose of these papers, make sure to take steps to eliminate your information from these papers.
With so many security breaches, identity theft, and fraud going on, we need to be extra cautious of our actions; this includes taking care of these little technicalities. Here are some tips you can keep in mind to ensure that no stressful troubles chase after you…
- Shred your waybills when you know you will no longer need them.
- Cut out your name and address, including the information of your seller partner, if you want to keep track of contact details but dispose of the rest of the waybill parts.
- Soak the waybills in water to fade out the ink before you dry and dispose of them.
- Block out all your information and the information of your buyer or seller to avoid having your information leaked to wrongdoers.
- Use a waybill marker for scratching out all the information you have, or your seller/ buyer has printed on the document before throwing these papers away.
It takes effort to manage matters like this, but it would take tremendous effort to work on fraud and security breach issues. Pick your fight, and choose the lighter option to help you and your buyer/seller. You wouldn’t want to fall victim to the headache these technical issues bring.

Tips for First-time Sellers
As a first-time seller, the eCommerce world could be a challenging world to be in. It’s crowded, commercialized, and boisterous, and everyone’s just trying to play “ketchup.” But fear not; you are in the selling world for a reason. It may be difficult, but it takes some time to get used to. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll know your way around the eCommerce world the way you would know an unfamiliar city.
Don’t think about quitting just yet; take some time to earn your place in the world of eCommerce and commercialized brands. Know that you already have the right to be there in the first place; you need to sustain your business and yourself as you progress through the challenges that you will come across as a seller in the eCommerce world. Here are some tips you will find handy when starting.
Tip #1: Be guided by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Keywords.
Search engine optimization plays a critical part in technology. If you’ve ever tried searching for something online, that’s one example of how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works. When you look up anything online, you are immediately directed to links leading to websites or product listings. These are the optimized products or services that appear on the topmost portion of the search engine you are using – these optimized websites or product listings get the most clicks, visits, and purchases. So, if you are a supplier business looking to sell raw materials like wood, ensure that you include “best wood supplier” and other keywords in your list of SEO terms to use.
Tip #2: Utilize free advertisements.
Free advertisements include creating picturesque publication materials which your customers can share online. These may also be insightful or exciting stories that tell a lot about your business, team, and humble beginnings. Free advertisements are the pot of gold for your business; this type of advertisement generates more sales than paid advertisements because they don’t start with capital. Here are some examples of free advertisements that you can make use of…
- Word-of-mouth popularity
- Social media posts
- Post-worthy and share-worthy social media content
- Features
- Partnerships with institutions
Tip #3: Don’t be complacent with your achievements.
Let’s say you reached your quota for the day and have already closed the shop to celebrate. While there’s nothing wrong with celebrating our wins, because this is also important, we could also build a foundation in striving for bigger goals. Always ask, “what’s next?” Like the famous saying “do more, be more,” we are reminded of how much greater we can achieve if we exert more effort into the things we do.
Think about what to do next, create outlines, plans, and timelines, and brainstorm with your team. Conduct market research on trends and ongoing market strategies to help your business grow. Technology is vast; use this to your advantage. Make your business reach its goals faster by taking the wiser steps that will lead you closer to achieving your goals. Being a starter may make you feel inferior at first, but that’s part. Don’t let these negative thoughts linger in your head, as they will drag you and your sales down.
Tip #4: Buy supplies from a direct supplier at wholesale prices.
Most eCommerce platforms don’t offer this service, but there’s one that does. In Shoppable Business, suppliers can work closely with their target market using a single platform with marketplace and courier services. Unlike others, Shoppable has a feature that caters specifically to small businesses looking for wholesale resources and suppliers hoping to showcase their products and services.
Buying at wholesale reduces the costs of your expenditure in the business, making you save more money and earn without depreciation as you operate. As a business owner, whether you own a small business or a supplier company, you can quickly reduce costs when you buy at wholesale prices. Considering the rise in the price of goods and commodities, including gas prices, it’s inevitable that there will be a correlated economic struggle for businesses. However, as we adjust to the predicament we face with our economic demands, we grow wiser as we engage in our businesses through wholesale purchases and choosing good partners in business.

Pro-tip Takeaway
When a company of any industry follows through with its commitments, its brand builds up credibility points and shines among its consumers and potential customers. How a service is accomplished is directly correlated with receiving good customer reviews. To provide the best service to your customers, from procurement of raw materials to courier service and tracking, see to it that you take reasonable caution and efficiency in ensuring that each of your customer’s transactions is closely monitored and accounted for.
Building a business is tough; whatever size it may be, venturing into the world of commerce is a tedious process. What makes it worthwhile and worth staying for are the people who find good and happiness in the products and services you offer. It may be immaterial goods to you that get shipped from your company office to the residence of consumers, but to these people, these are well-thought-out tangible things that spark their memories. Totems of imagination that will be remembered in the long haul.
When you decide to work with a company or choose a supplier or courier company, consider the people with whom you want your business to grow. This is your target market. Consider your goals, and remember that you are working towards building your business and making each transaction better for your team and the people that benefit from the passion you exude in making your business the best version of itself.
As a brand and a business owner, you need to know that the more listings, the more of your brand presence your clients see online or offline, and the better it is for your business. Join the newest eCommerce platform today, Shoppable Business. Contact us, and let’s talk at [email protected]